so im off on another adventure, albeit delayed lol <gotta love restraunts that you can use your laptops in mmmm> to find an answer to another question that i dont even know yet, or that i most likely know AND know the answer to yet fail to see or face. i'm off to run away, yes it totally is a run away from whats really going on move, inmature i know but this is what must be done to save my heart, or whats left of it. this is how i feel at least. to get away from the one i want so deeply and so much that it almost hurts- because i know i cant have that person and never will. im hoping this tims away, this time for REAL will help my heart close off to that person a little bit and not be so wanting........can that happen? can i fix that? or do i need to cut the person out of my life? because if i did that, i think a very large part of me would die. and that statement is completely true. you cant give someone a stick and tell them its a lollipop, you cant give me <A> when i really want <B> ya know? it just doesnt work out rite. that probably makes no sense but hey thats totally ok because im off on an adventure to find out something, maybe when i get back I will have a new appreciation of things, or I will miss you so terribly I will love you even more. whatever. i'm just glad your in my life LOL i'm such a nut case, take me to the shelling room.
loooooooooooooooooooves till then.....................
loooooooooooooooooooves till then.....................

tell me what you would like me to do to help
hehe, you tell me!