i hurt my tummy on accident <woopsie> and so now i have to eat baby food again mmmm and one day i will get monchichi to eat some
but semi solid food is not for the hungry
its really gloomy outsdie and normally this would make me happy because i have no idea, but instead it makes me sad
i did however get a boys well i guess hes a guy LOL # at olive garden yesterday mmmmm he was like woah and i drank a really good drink or a couple maybe lol
then i was taken to the mall again
mwahahaha, and i got hit on there by someone that recognized my hoodie <sg> and was liek woah. it was fun times. i hope i can hang out with amy tomorrow because she is a SUPASTARRRRR
have the best week ever, oh oh oh and if anyone wants to come to my brotheres gig at the emerald on thursday nite <5 bands playing in total> i have tix
come play with me pretty please? i usually play with john but he'll be onstage
<drool> so yeah come with me!
baby food is teh gross.
Baby food is sooo good. MMM banana. I could eat banana baby food forever.