so ive learned i just have to accept people as they are, and its me who i need to please. since accepting this people have been nicer, does that make sense? steve brought me flowers and poor john feels so bad he calls me all the time lol and brought me pad se'ew mmmmm even though i cant eat it but its like once you take pressure off i guess or expectations things just flow and its like mmmmmmm feels good. all areas arent flowing but thats ok. everything happens for a reason i do suppose. i want to get bettter cuz i really wana hang out with bleeder cuz he is such a rockstar but his dog is way hotter
have a great day. i'm totally able to sit in the computer chair, is so exciting, way better than justlaying in bed staring at the ceiling woot woot
my brothers band has a show at the emerald theatre coming up soooooon, anyone wana go with my very slow walking ouch ouch ouch it hurts ass LOL?
call me
and entertain me.

we could through stuff at eachother!!
yea duh!!!