thanks to all you peeps that were caring and gave me feel good vibes
and thanks for the phone calls!
i'm dealing, like this was a little unexpected to spend all thursday nite realing in pain in the fetal position then fold and go into the ER <yes blue eyes it was beaumont> but they couldnt find out what was wrong with me. And when they did well shit, couldnt i have just gotten one negative statement at once? LOL nah so yeah a bunch of stuff was/is wrong but thats life. I'm missing some pieces of me which is weird, and i havent "eaten" since thursday noon so my body is all wacked out. I have 4 slices and they just TAPED them so i'm afraid to take a shower like monchichi said what if my liver falls out LOL
but ya know like it could be way worse, and i just have to live day to day now, thats all it showed me. so thats my new goal, well after healing. i just wana have fun and live day to day no worries man
so far so good!
but seriouisly i'm going to downplay this becuase ya'll dont need to know everything rite
but it is scary and shows me that you cant take things for granted ever......and i never will again.....
looooooooooooooooooooves to you all. i cant wait to hang out with my friends again..........till then my dears
i'm dealing, like this was a little unexpected to spend all thursday nite realing in pain in the fetal position then fold and go into the ER <yes blue eyes it was beaumont> but they couldnt find out what was wrong with me. And when they did well shit, couldnt i have just gotten one negative statement at once? LOL nah so yeah a bunch of stuff was/is wrong but thats life. I'm missing some pieces of me which is weird, and i havent "eaten" since thursday noon so my body is all wacked out. I have 4 slices and they just TAPED them so i'm afraid to take a shower like monchichi said what if my liver falls out LOL
looooooooooooooooooooves to you all. i cant wait to hang out with my friends again..........till then my dears
Take care pretty lady!
ps, you do know that SG has a few different groups out there for those of us that are disabled, are survivors or caregivers, and such? If you are interested in them, they are on my groups list.
[Edited on Jun 08, 2005 3:19AM]