So I need someone's help, pretty please?
If you dont know by now I am a Phish-head, Moe.ron, Deadhead and Bisco Chick LOL a "hippie" but I call myself a schwilly mama, and head. ANYHOO so yes I am into this scene, and do alot involving it. I make my income based on the scene and its goer's. I make handmade edo-conscious clothing and goods. I have glass blowers goods on my site <pendants, earings, full necklaces....most dont post pipes due to a huge bust lately on glass blowing places
> I also usually have a crochet artist of some sort doing some funky scarves and tams <for dreaddies> and I have an incredible herbalist who makes great soaps and bath bombs, etc. If anyone A> makes something and would like to put it on my site *I could use eco friendly and vegan/veggie sticker makers.goverment etc.*as well as anything weird and funky. I take no commisions at all, I put your pic up of you and a bio, then hyperlink your email so they just see your pics of your goods and hit you up with an email. I also REEEEEEEALLY need B< someone to help me make a logo/banner etc. I have one now but am changing the name of my site.
Any takers? I can make you a quilt throw, piillows for your place, mini skirts, halters, headwraps, dog and kitty bandanas lol whatever
any help at all is great.
If you dont know by now I am a Phish-head, Moe.ron, Deadhead and Bisco Chick LOL a "hippie" but I call myself a schwilly mama, and head. ANYHOO so yes I am into this scene, and do alot involving it. I make my income based on the scene and its goer's. I make handmade edo-conscious clothing and goods. I have glass blowers goods on my site <pendants, earings, full necklaces....most dont post pipes due to a huge bust lately on glass blowing places

Any takers? I can make you a quilt throw, piillows for your place, mini skirts, halters, headwraps, dog and kitty bandanas lol whatever

any help at all is great.
