So I'm back from the first batch of shows. Hit knoxville late at nite but hung with our friends who made us an insane new glass piece
its so nice and already has some killer colors going through its tigerlike apprearance. I played with their dogs to pretend i wasnt the biggest nerd being very sad missing my down jiboo. It was wicked fun, dank was abundant and we got to play with their 7 mth old baby treyah who i bought a bunch of stuff for and she was SO excited LOL babies are like so amazing which is a very obviously statement but i couldnt help but look at her everytime she was around, i feel behind or soemthing because all of my friends are married with kids and things, but oh well. So we headed to Atlanta here it was awesome and the show with the benevetu/russo duo and mike gordon was amazing, i mean AMAZING. except for the frat kids in front of me who well, they were frat kids
i stocked up on a huuuuuuuuuuge box of champa to last me forever and it was so cheap i was so excited. the motel we booked was next door to a ghetto strip club which i was bummed about because it was really shady
then on our way back to knoxville the car blew on the freeway and we were stuck at the rest area for 3 hours. all the fuel cam eout of the car, which i didnt know so the entire tiem im at the rest area i could have blown up from one of the peeps cigarettes
its in chattanooga rite now and i have a rent a car till later in the week, i leave thurs for k-ville then i go the next day to chattanooga pick up the car then head to atlanta to rock this amazing glass studio and the botanical gardens, then that nite i get to see tthe trey show wake up early ass the next morn and head up to cinci for the trey show that nite. then home the next day.
p.s. red mud does not come out of yellow pants

p.s. red mud does not come out of yellow pants

glad youre having a decent time.
i LOVE colorado.