So there are only 16 more days until i get to see mike gordon <from PHISH> in atlanta WOOOOFREAKINGHOOOO! He better slam that bass to the point of no return
i am so ready to boogie. Then I believe from that date its 8 days till i see the atlanta trey show then head allllll the way up that night after the show UGH to cincinatti for the other trey show
can not wait to shred and get into that zone mmmmm. I wish Jiboo could come but its not happnenin since i'm stayin with Kari and Rich. Ah well he'll be on summer tour with us
I bring treats and water with disposable <recycleable> bowls to the fests and shows in the summers because kids that are TOUR RATS aka no home really just tour have dogs that look kinda well not good, so i give them some food and water. good deeds for good peeps man. i also bring baggies with q-tips, band aids, tampons, aspirins, cough drops, stickers and rubber bands into the bathrooms of the girls OH YEAH i put condoms in there too, just incase a mama is in need of something. so maybe my positive energy will make my tourring more enjoyable. we'll see

as for the tunes....i cant remember all of them. they opened with feel like a stranger into baby blue into minglewood...uhhh what else....shit..well, first set closed with bertha. i saw that coming a mile away. i checked the previous setlists just outta curiosity and saw that hadnt come out in a week and change. so that made me happy.
the second set was fuckin tits. included deep elem blues, althea, the last time, black peter, st stephen-the eleven, and not fade away. encore was johnny b goode.
well i hope you are around cause im home and we can talk now
i used to be very much in to the indi scean here but in many ways the soul and hart has been sucked out of it
have done the sumer festival trail the last two summers here but it take it out of you
specialy when your partying for up to 5 days straigt before moving onto the next stoping point be ok if it wasnt like up to 15 hour drive between festival sites
was hoping to be over for burning man this year but stuf came up keping me in australia till later this year then i'l be heading to the USA
what makes me even sader is people who go to festivals wirh there kids and take to much acid and drink to much and let the kids run off to do what ever
las exodus festival i had to save this little guy who would have ceen all of 3 form drouning cause his mum was out of it and dad was now where to be found
made me so pissed off