so steve is really mean. he never gave back what i lent him, it would take 2 seconds but he just wont do it. am i that low on his todem pole, am i even ON his todem pole? why did he have to be like this, why when i think so fucking highly of people and just am bewildered at their enlightened views, mind blowing intellect and other pathetic notions i come up with, ARE THEY ASSHOLES THAT SCREW ME OVER AND HURT MY FEELINGS so much i want to run away from home. which, by the way can you even do that at 25? lol who knows. and my key wont come out of the ignition so i take it to the dealer which is 100$ just to diagnose and then they decide its the shifter or something and its not covered which is bullshit becuase its a mechanical problem and THAT is covered so they get to deal with my psychotic ass, so then i had to call the other dealer where i bought it and they said it is covered so who the hell knows. why cant things just be like lalalala instead of like FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK.
ok i need to go find something to do. i'm home alone and bored, wana come over?
ok i need to go find something to do. i'm home alone and bored, wana come over?