My date was awesome, the food rocked. MMMM lobster tails
I really want to go see The New Deal tonite, but Steve is going to be there I think, and I feel weird about that. Even though we like the same music, so obviously we will be at all those bands local shows, I dont want him to think I'm going just to see him. When in fact I'm NOT going to NOT see him lol ya know? I duno. Maybe i'll just say fuck it and go....I need to shake my ass to funky beats and that is the place to do it mmmm the new deal.
We have so many concerts coming up its like wam wam wam wam, I hope I have enough cash lol
then I need to save cash for summer shows <Trey> etc.
Sorry tadzi, I wasnt on last nite! Talk tonite?
ok i'm outtie, my dog is a muddy mess <ahhh great to have snow melting BAD to have a huuuuuuuuuge yard that is now a mudpit, and a larrrrrrrrge dog that loves the mud> UGH.
I really want to go see The New Deal tonite, but Steve is going to be there I think, and I feel weird about that. Even though we like the same music, so obviously we will be at all those bands local shows, I dont want him to think I'm going just to see him. When in fact I'm NOT going to NOT see him lol ya know? I duno. Maybe i'll just say fuck it and go....I need to shake my ass to funky beats and that is the place to do it mmmm the new deal.
We have so many concerts coming up its like wam wam wam wam, I hope I have enough cash lol
then I need to save cash for summer shows <Trey> etc.
Sorry tadzi, I wasnt on last nite! Talk tonite?
ok i'm outtie, my dog is a muddy mess <ahhh great to have snow melting BAD to have a huuuuuuuuuge yard that is now a mudpit, and a larrrrrrrrge dog that loves the mud> UGH.
well, hopefully i shall be home at a reasonable time and we can attempt to catch up. but im hangin out with ginger again.