Holy flurking schnit.

Has anybody bought the SuicideGirls book?

Help me Jebus.

It totally rocks. I don't know any other way to put it. As if I didn't need to waste more fucking time here, now it's only going to get worse. This book will totally make you re-evaluate all of this. Then you will be sucked into liking it even more. Wow.

Wow. Wow,...
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Am I going to owe you a dollar tomorrow? Did you go with SL? How much did I give you last time? $60? $80? I don't remember.

All those simpsons references in your post are making me hot! I didn't know you knew about Jebus!!! There's so much I don't know about you. You LIKE rainy days? smile

I can't wait to see the book!!!!! W came home and asked if I had been looking at internet porn all day long. HA!

I'm worried about our Future DrS too. We will take care of him. I emailed him today with positive words.

I think I'm feeling better, but you know how sometimes it gets worse at night. dro, you always do so well when you are sick. You just keep going. I am a whimp. I know, you wouldn't have it any other way.