Bah. I just beat Bioshock tonight. Can someone tell me why the ending is such a let down? This is the first game I've beaten in a while, mainly because of endings like this one. If I'm supposed to play through the whole thing, make it worth my time by at least giving me some longer videos and a more difficult end boss.
Anyway, hi SG sweethearts, hope you've spent several hours in a more useful way. :-)
Anyway, hi SG sweethearts, hope you've spent several hours in a more useful way. :-)
Err, I've several hours cooking various stir fries. I don't know why. So, I'm not sure who's spent their time more productively here.
D'aww... thanks. I got to log in before it canceled.Hopefully we can talk whenever I end up being able to resubscribe again D=