Whee!!! Super cool! Kidney stones! Everyone should experience them!

Oh Oh Oh! And I have high blood pressure at the age of 24! Super awesome!
Ah finally... useless co-worker number one is leaving in two weeks... when should I celebrate?
So... I'm nolonger certifiable... But Now I am officially certified!

Last week I got my Nokia Certified Security Associate and My Nokia Security Administrator Cerifications... WHEE!

Now to get more... and take over the Digital world! BWAH!

PH3AR the TUrnips of DOOM!
I hates the snow! HATES IT !

was snowed in... thank fucing god I don't work weekends...

Almost out of rum....

Why much the rum always run dry?
The ringing! Followed by the Voices! The dinging... followed by the heinous words of doom!

Means phone and email are bad!

Yes I had a very very long day at work!!!!!!....

I need a beer....