So my boss at one of my jobs asked me if I would be a dancer at the bar I work at. He wants me to start something crazy!
I'm usually the life of the party, what can I say?
Its going to be so fun! Maybe it will turn into this!

A photo from Coyote Ugly! One of my favorite movies.
Anyone want to sell any go-go dancing clothes? I just bought some new fishnets but I still need some cute tops and stretchy(kinda sporty but short and tight) black shorts.
I also finally sent in my application to Full Throttle Saloon! & I talked to Angie on Twitter and she said as long as I have bartending experience that I should have no problem getting the job! Fingers crossed!

Oh and I can't forget to tell you guys that I'm shooting two sets this weekend with photophisticate!! I'm so nervous! I hope they turn out okay.

A photo from Coyote Ugly! One of my favorite movies.

Anyone want to sell any go-go dancing clothes? I just bought some new fishnets but I still need some cute tops and stretchy(kinda sporty but short and tight) black shorts.
I also finally sent in my application to Full Throttle Saloon! & I talked to Angie on Twitter and she said as long as I have bartending experience that I should have no problem getting the job! Fingers crossed!

Oh and I can't forget to tell you guys that I'm shooting two sets this weekend with photophisticate!! I'm so nervous! I hope they turn out okay.

I hope to see your sets. There beautiful.
Do it that would be awessome