Nobody waste money on Spiderman 2. I thought i would have learned my lesson after Spiderman 1... i guess im a glutton for punishment. Fuck...what a terrible piece of shit (aside from the combined 35 seconds of the Stan Lee and Bruce Campbell cameos). Let me take this time to voice my distain for mainstream american cinema. Everything lately has been shit. It's either a superhero movie (as a comic book fan i take extreme offense... X-men 2 the only exception) or something SUPER EPIC! I saw in the previews today that they are making ANOTHER FUCKING ANOCONDA MOVIE! Another one?!?! Didnt we say all that was needed to be said in the first? "There's Snakes out there that big?" courtesy of Ice Cube. Just end it. The last good movie i saw in the theater was Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.... which was fan-floppin-tastic. Well whatever... there's my rant. Which emoticon summerizes my movie going experiance of the night....soo many to choose from.....hmmmm....
well, hello that's what you look like