Despite being invited a few times, I don't think I've ever gotten around to doing one of these chain letter things, but I need a little break from working on a lovely Sunday afternoon. So since my new pal @CAPSBLAZEM asked, here you go for anyone who's interested.
Tattoos, Piercings..................... None of either. I've never been interested in piercings - either for myself or others - but I toyed around with several awesome tattoo ideas for along time. Ultimately too long because at some point in my late 20's I realized that I was almost entirely alone among my friend group in having no tats or piercings. If those things are meant to express yourself, especially in uniquely personal terms, it felt like the most uniquely personal thing I could do with my body was to not mod it at all.
Marriages.................... Yes, once, and it was beautiful. I cried. But after being together for almost a decade before we got married, that also marked the real beginning of the road to....
Divorces...................... Yes, once, and it was the worst experience of my life. We were as kind and generous to each other as we could be, but still. I wasn't sure I'd live through it. Neither was she.
Proposals.................... Just the one.
Children...................... Lost my opportunity there, which was part of the heartbreak of my marriage ending. I am, however very lucky to be able to help parent a very cool kid, my new partner's youngest.
Surgeries..................... Depends what counts? Only two that required putting me under.
Shot a gun................... Yep, various sorts under various conditions, but thankfully never out of necessity.
Quit a job..................... Oh yeah.
100+miles in a car...... I didn't go to college right after HS, and thought I wouldn't at all. But I roadtripped around the US a good bit at that time. I still love a road trip.
Hit a deer.................... Thankfully, no, though a couple of the dumb bastards have tried!
zip lining...................... No, but I'd like to.
Cried over someone.... Um... see above. But also before that. I've been a romantic most of my life.
Fallen in love............... Definitely. Never ever ever, as romantic as you may be or as wonderful as your paramour may be, fall for the delusion that there's a "one" person for you. There are many people who you'll be able to fall for in a way that feels unique. And that's because each person and each love, each romance, is unique. Having loved before or loving again doesn't devalue the love you have. If you view it right, it can increase the value.
Watched someone give birth... No.
Watched someone die..... Yeah. I was fortunate enough to be there when my wonderful grandmother passed away.
Been to Canada......... Yes. Quebec when I was a teenager (in January for some reason). Then while I was trying to recover from my divorce some friends invited me on a trip to Montreal.
Ridden in an ambulance..... Mored times than I can count. I was a rambunctious kid, and remained a rambunctious adult. Yet I've never had a bone set. Had a few small breaks/cracks, but they healed well enough on their own.
Visited Las Vegas....... Nope, and no interest. Just not my kinda place.
Sung karaoke............. Hell yeah. In my 20's, the then new Lower East Side venue Arlene's Grocery started having "Punk Rock/Heavy Metal Karaoke Night". This was the first live music karaoke I was aware of, and featured an absolutely killer band made up of NYC studio musicians. I was a regular for a bit.
Been downhill skiing....... Used to a bit in my teens, and would be interested in going again sometime.
Ridden on a horse....... A few trail rides. It's really cool, especially if you get a good guide and good horse. My partner was a "horse girl" in her youth, so she can really ride.
Stayed in a hospital..... Never overnight.
Donated blood............. Several times. I keep meaning to set up a regular schedule to go every month, but keep not getting around to it.
Ridden in the back of a police car...... Yeah. I'd say "too many times", but even once is too many. I've done it more than that. Neat fact for those who haven't been taken into custody: police cars have special back seats with a carve-out for your arms and hands since those are handcuffed behind you.
I'd be interested to hear from my friends @SHEASHANNARA @Iluna @mailinya @LZ55 @PERSEPHONEPITSTOP @kaliva if you're all still around these days.