I'm taking a bit of a break from SG. Don't know for how long, but I expect I'll probably be back at some point. Notwithstanding a few exceptional artists, the sets have taken on a very samey quality, with less and less of the experimentation of the past. The proliferation of silicone and makeup so thick it might as well be a different face are also not my thing.
And it's a familiar gripe, but so many of the models now are here not to really engage with community, but to push some other format or agenda. I don't mind that models have IG, OF, or whatever, and if you do I want to know. I also don't mind if you just want to model and not participate much in the community aspect. But girls: we can tell when you see SG as just a marketing tool for that other stuff. And it wears on my soul in a way I didn't expect. I can get nudie pics so many places, but I come to SG for that because of the community and the possibility of genuine interaction. Right now I feel like the simple up-front commercialism of a regular classy porn site would be less grating than paging through so much disingenuous "engagement" aimed at getting me to go elsewhere.
There are folks I'll miss on this platform, but in general I'm just not getting the joy out of it that I used to. It even feels hard to maintain the connection I'd like with those I feel a real connection to. If anyone would like my RL contact info, you've got about a day to PM for my email.