As i haven't updated for a while (due to a lack of being arsed to be honest) i thought i'd try and force some thoughts out of my head.
I was having a moan the other day and things kept going wrong so i turned round to my friend and made the statement, "why does it always happen to you" to which he replied, "cuz you wouldnt know if it happens to anybody else" and although its quite a simple thought i'd never really thought of it before. So then other topics were thrown about at random speeds and i thought outloud about a topic...more and idea, that i hold close to my heart... i would love it if my life was more like a sitcom. I'm always chatting about flash backs and picture in my head about the time when it happened, or putting people i know in funny circumstances and laughing to myself (think JD out of Scrubs). I dont do it to copy the wonderful programme, it's been happening for years. The other good thing would be that my life would have a happy ending
its a genius idea. But then having a smoke last night and discussing it with my other half i got a bit down when i actually stated to believe that it could be possible in the future. Does anybody else thinks that its a shame???
The Christmas holidays went as well as they usually do, nothing over exciting yet not that dull and boring. The best part was being off work...and getting my iPod Touch. Before anybody says anything...i dont want an iPhone so i dont care if you think i've got the "waste of time" version of the latest iPod's...i trash my phones all the time. It was good to hang out with friends and knock a couple of years off my life with all the "fun" i was having.
Other than that my life hasnt really had any interesting twists and turns, hence the "not arsed to blog" comment. On saying that i realised the last time i blogged on myspace was a damn while ago
Oh well. Its doubtful that many ppl are interested anyway and i often find i blog just almost as if i'm talking to myself...and boy do i talk!!! I'd tell you all about it but i think thats enough for today.
Hope everyone had a fun Holiday
Peace out y'all
As i haven't updated for a while (due to a lack of being arsed to be honest) i thought i'd try and force some thoughts out of my head.
I was having a moan the other day and things kept going wrong so i turned round to my friend and made the statement, "why does it always happen to you" to which he replied, "cuz you wouldnt know if it happens to anybody else" and although its quite a simple thought i'd never really thought of it before. So then other topics were thrown about at random speeds and i thought outloud about a topic...more and idea, that i hold close to my heart... i would love it if my life was more like a sitcom. I'm always chatting about flash backs and picture in my head about the time when it happened, or putting people i know in funny circumstances and laughing to myself (think JD out of Scrubs). I dont do it to copy the wonderful programme, it's been happening for years. The other good thing would be that my life would have a happy ending

The Christmas holidays went as well as they usually do, nothing over exciting yet not that dull and boring. The best part was being off work...and getting my iPod Touch. Before anybody says anything...i dont want an iPhone so i dont care if you think i've got the "waste of time" version of the latest iPod's...i trash my phones all the time. It was good to hang out with friends and knock a couple of years off my life with all the "fun" i was having.
Other than that my life hasnt really had any interesting twists and turns, hence the "not arsed to blog" comment. On saying that i realised the last time i blogged on myspace was a damn while ago

Hope everyone had a fun Holiday
Peace out y'all
