Again, another post on a Wednesday.
But to be fair i think that only 2 now,
im too far in this post to be bothered to go and check.
There's something about Wednesday's, they're always neither here or there.
They make you get kinda excited knowing that they're slowly dragging the weekend closer to you.
On the other hand they're a reminder that you're only half way through this working week and still have half more to go.
I like to think i'm an optimist when it comes to days of the week.
Friday obviously being quite high up in the charts, with Saturday being at the top with satisfaction that you can still get pretty wrecked and still have another day to go. Sundays follow Friday i think, not for anything special, just as it's another day off. The only problem with a Sunday is that it reminds you that Monday is close on it's heels. I think i'll put Wednesday 4th after everything just mentioned. Tuesday and Thursday can be joint 5th. They're pretty insignificant and both begin with the letter 'T'. Dont get me wrong, i have nothing against that letter (althought im not a very big fan of 'H'...dont know why) but the rest of the weekdays start with another letter!!! Saturday and Sunday dont count as they are twins and both are lovers to Friday.
Either way, Monday is last. Monday takes the fun out of everything.
If it wasn't for Monday i'd still be twisted out of my mind.
Have a fun Wednesday
But to be fair i think that only 2 now,
im too far in this post to be bothered to go and check.
There's something about Wednesday's, they're always neither here or there.
They make you get kinda excited knowing that they're slowly dragging the weekend closer to you.
On the other hand they're a reminder that you're only half way through this working week and still have half more to go.
I like to think i'm an optimist when it comes to days of the week.
Friday obviously being quite high up in the charts, with Saturday being at the top with satisfaction that you can still get pretty wrecked and still have another day to go. Sundays follow Friday i think, not for anything special, just as it's another day off. The only problem with a Sunday is that it reminds you that Monday is close on it's heels. I think i'll put Wednesday 4th after everything just mentioned. Tuesday and Thursday can be joint 5th. They're pretty insignificant and both begin with the letter 'T'. Dont get me wrong, i have nothing against that letter (althought im not a very big fan of 'H'...dont know why) but the rest of the weekdays start with another letter!!! Saturday and Sunday dont count as they are twins and both are lovers to Friday.
Either way, Monday is last. Monday takes the fun out of everything.
If it wasn't for Monday i'd still be twisted out of my mind.
Have a fun Wednesday

and this is fun
and the sundays are bored