Thursday Oct 23, 2003 Oct 23, 2003 0 Facebook Tweet Email i'm going to disneyland and i got a game cube for my birthday. who wants to get me mario sunshine? VIEW 8 of 8 COMMENTS leavemehere: so far i got 40 bucks for my birthday its goin in the disneyland fund pot happy birthday sir maybe raise a glass of whatever it is your drinking sunday night for a fellow scorpio [Edited on Oct 25, 2003 1:28AM] Oct 24, 2003 fil: I recommend getting Simpsons: Hit & Run or Viewtiful Joe. Both GREAT new releases. Oct 24, 2003
its goin in the disneyland fund pot
happy birthday sir
maybe raise a glass of whatever it is your drinking
sunday night for a fellow scorpio
[Edited on Oct 25, 2003 1:28AM]