i was looking up the plot line for jeepers creerers 2 and then i started reading the forums they have for that movie and it seems the director of the movie, victor salva, is a convicted child molester. they were going back and forth about people shouldn't see the movie cause you are supporting him and you should cause what does his personal life have to do with the movie. i was wondering what you guys think? i mean if an actor, director, president, singer does something illegal or immoral? should you just write them off and never buy their product or support them again? even if they did serve their time or paid for their crime? i mean people still support roman polanski and love his films.
Everybody seems to love Hugh Grant again, don't they? I don't know I could see myself arguing this issue both ways. I guess it depends on what the person did and it would all come down to personal opinion on whether I would support them or not. But I wouldn't try to push my opinions on others, I'd let them make up their own minds. (But can I really trust "Them" to do that?)
so what the fuck.....are you giving me a ride to the party of what?????