yawning...or yani... spam... porkchop... loserkids.com... fucking in a car... broccollllliii... wiggers... fred durst... girls with hairy arms...hair on girls besides her head and box...my knee... farmers tan... my sisters boyfriend... wooden tongue depressors... unwanted farts... cowboy killers... people bummin a cig... and a light... mullets... handlebar mustachesss... orlando bloom and johnny depps good looks... money... pathalogical liars... paying 6 bucks for a drink with half the shit in it... for someone else... trucker hats...von dutch trucker hats... von dutch anything... meatheads... their girlfriends... change in my pocket... ringtones... spinners... Cribs... going over to a girls house to hang out there and she wants you to go to the grocery store with her... at 1 am in the fucking morning... dumb bitches... forgettting your drivers liscence to pay for your groceries with a check after 15 minutes of searching for a grocery store that is open 24 hours... bubba the love sponge... 98 rock... country music... ford escorts... daewoos... " latin lovers"... busch light... mic ultra... cat hairballs... shaving... tighty whities... gun control... war on terror... war on drugs... war in iraq... bumper stickers that read osamayomama... or princess... or playa... or piss on ford/chevy/dodge... girls that cant drive...stick... and that whine... about everything... " what are you thinking right now?"... " not there." ... " oh no you didnt!"... " whateva!"... Saves the Day... Audioslave... new metallica... not drinking... right now