the pop group formerly known as "my trip in a fucking ambulance or send an ambulance" have a three song shitty fake demo out though no one i know personally is getting a copy because recording first thing in the morning while drinking johnny walker is a no no
i tore up the banjo and guitar on the recording and sarah and devon kept it from falling apart hooray for us
i am a bit drunk now so i can express my unrequited love for someone yet i still find myself far too timid
i need more soymilk
my boss gave me paid vacation for the week i was gone so i may finally start my nintendo warrior sleeve i love my boss
this bike is a pipe bomb was awesom e and i got some 7"s for a certain birthday girl
i am cancelling my account because as much as i would like to i do not often look at naked ladies
everybody should dance party in florida
i saw sarah sky for the first time in almost a year and we shredded the dance floor HOLLA!
i am drunk and akward the end
i tore up the banjo and guitar on the recording and sarah and devon kept it from falling apart hooray for us
i am a bit drunk now so i can express my unrequited love for someone yet i still find myself far too timid
i need more soymilk
my boss gave me paid vacation for the week i was gone so i may finally start my nintendo warrior sleeve i love my boss
this bike is a pipe bomb was awesom e and i got some 7"s for a certain birthday girl
i am cancelling my account because as much as i would like to i do not often look at naked ladies
everybody should dance party in florida
i saw sarah sky for the first time in almost a year and we shredded the dance floor HOLLA!
i am drunk and akward the end
Happy birthday