i find it very unsettling that the Michael Jackson scandal is getting far more coverage that the FTAA protests in miami i have seen one news program about the events in miami and at least fifteen about michael
i guess a diversion is always needed and that the media did create
jedi mind tricks in the car heat on windows down
we are a month behind on our frost or so i hear
but it is finally cool outside and i still refuse to wear socks
i am leaving for richmond i love the long drives on legal speed with the music up and my heart racing with anticipation to reach my intended destination
directions scrawled on college ruled
this ring is causing me to produce more snot than usual or i am just now noticing how much i produce as a result of it sticking to the jewelry
i guess a diversion is always needed and that the media did create
jedi mind tricks in the car heat on windows down
we are a month behind on our frost or so i hear
but it is finally cool outside and i still refuse to wear socks
i am leaving for richmond i love the long drives on legal speed with the music up and my heart racing with anticipation to reach my intended destination
directions scrawled on college ruled
this ring is causing me to produce more snot than usual or i am just now noticing how much i produce as a result of it sticking to the jewelry
I'm hoping Jacko gets murdered a la Lee Harvey Oswald. I think I'd rather not know for sure that he's a molestor. That way I can't feel like a hypocrite when I play his CD and not R. Kelly's. But for real...when will these people realize that when they're such huge stars like this NOT TO VIDEOTAPE IT?!?! Ahhh....sometimes intelligence doesn't cross over into showmanship.
Thank you ...I'm glad that you like my poem.