K so I redid this entry. I'll summarize. Chris' finace says it's ok for us to hang out even though it's really not. She's just saying it's not and as soon as we do she'll throw a fit. It's happened before.
I play way too much Sims 2. It's lovely. Cause I'm good at making clothes and hair and stuff for it. I'll post pics soon cause I'm a dork like that. I'm also building an exact replica of my apartment building in Sims 2. It's amazing so far. Looks exactly the same.
I have no food in the house due to the electric being out the other day and the fridge not keeping my food cold. So much cheese wasted. Actually, I think the cheese might still be ok. The pickles too. I like cheese and pickles. But not together.
Getting to the point that Jordan and I are smoking a half every 5 days or so. I miss not having a tolerance and getting wicked stoned. I haven't felt really stoned in a long time.
I was thinking about drinking cause I have these nasty blueberry drinks that don't taste like blueberry but they're tolerable. But then I remembered that just because I'm 21 doesn't mean I have to drink. I'm not too fond of alcohol for the simple reason that it's legal but kills more people and does more damage to our society than weed ever could.
I've found myself fishing for someone to talk to on Myspace about stuff no one feels like talking about. I've come to the conclusion that nearly everyone (NEARLY) on my friends list is retarded. I tried in vain to start a conversation with this guy after reading a bulletin he had posted. Some of it's contents were: "marijuana is stupid", president bush is funny, "christianity is the only way", "casual sex is not damaging to anyone", and believe it or not, "i hate fat chicks". So I "went off" on him, throwing my opinions at him whether they were wanted or not. Made the point that if I ever saw him in person, I'd punch him in the balls for the fat chicks comment. I hate people like that. I'm not exactly what you would call fat but I'm no stick and I take offense to any guy calling any girl fat.
Anyway, I'm obviously in desperate need of intelligent conversation if I'm trying to have one with someone who I knew wasn't all that bright.
I also think my friends friend is cute.
But it's ok, I'm allowed to think people are cute. As long as Jordan doesn't know about it. But yeah, he's adorable and has a crush on my friend. But she's a hardcore lesbian so that aint happening. He's also Chris' finance's ex boyfriend. Drama and weirdness.
I play way too much Sims 2. It's lovely. Cause I'm good at making clothes and hair and stuff for it. I'll post pics soon cause I'm a dork like that. I'm also building an exact replica of my apartment building in Sims 2. It's amazing so far. Looks exactly the same.
I have no food in the house due to the electric being out the other day and the fridge not keeping my food cold. So much cheese wasted. Actually, I think the cheese might still be ok. The pickles too. I like cheese and pickles. But not together.
Getting to the point that Jordan and I are smoking a half every 5 days or so. I miss not having a tolerance and getting wicked stoned. I haven't felt really stoned in a long time.
I was thinking about drinking cause I have these nasty blueberry drinks that don't taste like blueberry but they're tolerable. But then I remembered that just because I'm 21 doesn't mean I have to drink. I'm not too fond of alcohol for the simple reason that it's legal but kills more people and does more damage to our society than weed ever could.
I've found myself fishing for someone to talk to on Myspace about stuff no one feels like talking about. I've come to the conclusion that nearly everyone (NEARLY) on my friends list is retarded. I tried in vain to start a conversation with this guy after reading a bulletin he had posted. Some of it's contents were: "marijuana is stupid", president bush is funny, "christianity is the only way", "casual sex is not damaging to anyone", and believe it or not, "i hate fat chicks". So I "went off" on him, throwing my opinions at him whether they were wanted or not. Made the point that if I ever saw him in person, I'd punch him in the balls for the fat chicks comment. I hate people like that. I'm not exactly what you would call fat but I'm no stick and I take offense to any guy calling any girl fat.
Anyway, I'm obviously in desperate need of intelligent conversation if I'm trying to have one with someone who I knew wasn't all that bright.
I also think my friends friend is cute.