Soooo. Yesterday turned out fun. I'm not retyping it, so if you want to read about my night see myspace. Myspace is gay. I'm also irritated cause some girl on my friends list (i went to high school with her), who is NEVER on there fucking complained after I made my daily Chuck Norris post. I posted this bulletin:
"And now, the Chuck Norris random facts of the day
Chuck Norris is like Jesus. He loves the little children; they're delicious.
Chuck Norris wipes standing up.
Chuck Norris eats glass, babies, and Everclear for breakfast."
and she posts this one:
"read this.
Body: know i love you all...but if i get ONE more of anything about chuck norris i'm going to fucking find you and kill you. i don't think its funny. its just annoying. yea.
Fukcin eat me, cunt. I'll post whatever the fuck I want about Chuck Norris and you can either read it or fuck off.
Damnit. I hate when people bitch about stuff they clicked on. Don't click on the link it you hate Chuck Norris and the subject says "Chuck Norris". Retard.
But yeah, other than that small annoyance, todays been decnet. Ate subway. And now I'm ripping all my cds onto my computer for my listening pleasure.
Also, my mom thought I talked WAY too much when I was there for dinner. And my whole family knows I'm normally very quiet. That can only mean that Amanda is dying from a lack of human contact. Everyone needs to take me out. I need to get away from the computer, my cats, and my sketch pad and do something constructive.
I'm going grocery shopping tonight. I'm buying nail polish and hair dye. and paper towels. and some other non food items. I'm excited. I like shopping.
"And now, the Chuck Norris random facts of the day
Chuck Norris is like Jesus. He loves the little children; they're delicious.
Chuck Norris wipes standing up.
Chuck Norris eats glass, babies, and Everclear for breakfast."
and she posts this one:
"read this.
Body: know i love you all...but if i get ONE more of anything about chuck norris i'm going to fucking find you and kill you. i don't think its funny. its just annoying. yea.
Fukcin eat me, cunt. I'll post whatever the fuck I want about Chuck Norris and you can either read it or fuck off.
Damnit. I hate when people bitch about stuff they clicked on. Don't click on the link it you hate Chuck Norris and the subject says "Chuck Norris". Retard.
But yeah, other than that small annoyance, todays been decnet. Ate subway. And now I'm ripping all my cds onto my computer for my listening pleasure.
Also, my mom thought I talked WAY too much when I was there for dinner. And my whole family knows I'm normally very quiet. That can only mean that Amanda is dying from a lack of human contact. Everyone needs to take me out. I need to get away from the computer, my cats, and my sketch pad and do something constructive.
I'm going grocery shopping tonight. I'm buying nail polish and hair dye. and paper towels. and some other non food items. I'm excited. I like shopping.