woohoo weekend time!
Too bad I managed to sleep half of it away already.. believe it or not, I am still sick. I've been healthy for a whopping 2 weeks since I've lived here
Rather funny if you ask me.
So umm, everyone should tell me what is new in their lives and how they are since I have the lack of bandwidth (and furthermore time) to go around and ask everyone personally
Love to you all

Too bad I managed to sleep half of it away already.. believe it or not, I am still sick. I've been healthy for a whopping 2 weeks since I've lived here

So umm, everyone should tell me what is new in their lives and how they are since I have the lack of bandwidth (and furthermore time) to go around and ask everyone personally

Love to you all

I'll see what I can come up with in this update. It's been awhile eh?
So lets see...school is alright. I've actually been slacking lately and not going to a lot of classes. I think I'm going to take a class over the summer and less classes in the fall because I can't handle so much school and so much work all at once! I'm tired!
Work...it's ok. My boss just got married and her husband has BAD cancer...like he's going to die soon so she's taking weekdays off now and working doubles on weekends so I should have every Saturday and Sunday off for awhile woot woot!!
Love life...UGH! So the man and I had finally broken up and we've been working on this whole "friendship" thing. We got in a fight today on my way to work at he told me to shut up and hung up on me. Sweet right?
Have you watched Meet the Barkers? Probably not because you work so damn much!! It's awesome. They're so cute together. I need some lovin like that!! Where are all the good boys?!!!??
I'll probably sit on my ass and be bored all damn weekend cuz that's how I am. I need to get a life!! The last 3 years have been with the man and now it's like starting over again. Do people really make it through this cuz it SUCKS
Enough about me..
I wanna hear about you...
How's work?
How's the car?
How's the love life?
Any ladies?
Anything exciting in general?
Oh and you gotta find me on myspace!! I think i told you, I think my url is myspace.com/erinmega so try that out!!
I miss you!!
K, I'm going to post this comment and see how long it turns out.
Have a good weekend!!!!!!!!!
Luv, Mega