Ok, so I don't have much to say even though it's been a very long time since I updated.
I have just been looking for work and trying to have a social life in between everything else I have to do. I am still loving it in Portland... tons of rain, which sucks.. but it isn't snow so that is GOOD.
I believe I got a job working at my brothers Toyota dealership, but I have to call and find out when I am supposed to start, so I guess I'll update you on that later.
I am scared to say it, because everytime I share good news with anyone, it finds a way of going away somehow. I met a girl a few weeks ago.. I really liked her, but she was reluctant. Turns out she had a boyfriend that she was literally 'stuck' with due to custody issues with her child. Guys a real standup fellow who, as of now resides in jail on a wide array of retarded charges. Needless to say she is done with him and we are starting to get pretty close. So far everything is rad... I just hope it lasts. It's been so long since I have had a relationship that lasted longer than a few weeks, a month tops. So anyways, not that anyone really cares
and now that I shared my good news, something will happen between us and she'll take off.. mark my words
Yea, so... I am done now. How are you all?
I have just been looking for work and trying to have a social life in between everything else I have to do. I am still loving it in Portland... tons of rain, which sucks.. but it isn't snow so that is GOOD.

I believe I got a job working at my brothers Toyota dealership, but I have to call and find out when I am supposed to start, so I guess I'll update you on that later.

I am scared to say it, because everytime I share good news with anyone, it finds a way of going away somehow. I met a girl a few weeks ago.. I really liked her, but she was reluctant. Turns out she had a boyfriend that she was literally 'stuck' with due to custody issues with her child. Guys a real standup fellow who, as of now resides in jail on a wide array of retarded charges. Needless to say she is done with him and we are starting to get pretty close. So far everything is rad... I just hope it lasts. It's been so long since I have had a relationship that lasted longer than a few weeks, a month tops. So anyways, not that anyone really cares

Yea, so... I am done now. How are you all?

its just another day to me