So then! I must thank each and every one of you who wished me a Happy Birthday yesterday from the bottom of that dark, shriveled thing I call my heart
Funny, I had more people that I've never even talked to before tell me Happy Birthday, than I actually had tell me in person, including my family. I had one friend call me to tell me Happy Birthday, and I wasn't even happy enough to talk to her in person, so I heard it through voicemail haha. I tried my best to be happy yesterday, I really did. But when it came down to it, the only thing that made me smile other than cake (mmm fatty goodness) was the beautiful people on here that opened up their hearts to this sad, lonely little man
Thanks again everyone
for everyone..even the dudes 

Thanks again everyone

aww, thanks for the comment on my corset pic
gave me an excuse to come by and say hello, i meant to before, i swear, hehehe... have a good day!

HOLY *(&%^$!!!!