Blimey, it's probably about time I blogged again.
So what has been going on?
I'm still working in my local which is mostly ace. I enjoy the work and most of the time there is fun. There is occasional bullshit which I could do without but unfortunately where there are people there is usually some bullshit. (That makes know sense if you think about it too literally so don't.) Anyway I am enjoying the work and right now just having some work that is fairly secure is undoubtedly a good thing, there are plenty of people out there who don't have that.
The worst part about is that I have almost no social life now. For five days of every week I am at work until after 11. The two days when this doesn't happen are Monday and Tuesday. Surprisingly there aren't too many people out there who consider getting shitfaced on a Monday as sensible behaviour. This disappointments me.
Contributing to this is the fact that I essentially have to split my life between two cities. Kai is obviously still based in London so that's where I head for my days off but I am not really there enough to develop any sort of social interaction there. When I'm down on the coast my working hours are what prevent the social interaction. Long term I really need to find a proper, grown up job in London or at least within commutable distance of it.
I'm not really sure how to go about looking for work right now. Most of the jobs I know I can do my degree has now made me over qualified for but I don't really know what sort of graduate level work I want or where to find it. It is something I am definitely going to get serious about after Christmas. Until then the bills are getting paid and I have a reasonably fun job. Things could be worse.
Other news: seeing the reformed Hot Snakes in December which will be loud.
Went to Sheffield for my best mates thirtieth. Got very drunk but still managed to drink on the day after.
Bands I Miss Part 2.
So what has been going on?
I'm still working in my local which is mostly ace. I enjoy the work and most of the time there is fun. There is occasional bullshit which I could do without but unfortunately where there are people there is usually some bullshit. (That makes know sense if you think about it too literally so don't.) Anyway I am enjoying the work and right now just having some work that is fairly secure is undoubtedly a good thing, there are plenty of people out there who don't have that.
The worst part about is that I have almost no social life now. For five days of every week I am at work until after 11. The two days when this doesn't happen are Monday and Tuesday. Surprisingly there aren't too many people out there who consider getting shitfaced on a Monday as sensible behaviour. This disappointments me.
Contributing to this is the fact that I essentially have to split my life between two cities. Kai is obviously still based in London so that's where I head for my days off but I am not really there enough to develop any sort of social interaction there. When I'm down on the coast my working hours are what prevent the social interaction. Long term I really need to find a proper, grown up job in London or at least within commutable distance of it.
I'm not really sure how to go about looking for work right now. Most of the jobs I know I can do my degree has now made me over qualified for but I don't really know what sort of graduate level work I want or where to find it. It is something I am definitely going to get serious about after Christmas. Until then the bills are getting paid and I have a reasonably fun job. Things could be worse.
Other news: seeing the reformed Hot Snakes in December which will be loud.
Went to Sheffield for my best mates thirtieth. Got very drunk but still managed to drink on the day after.
Bands I Miss Part 2.
No probs, I was just worried you hadn't got it. 
