It`s decided: Finally, I'm going to learn Japanese.I was always too lazy to get started but now I got a reason My friend Sao is moving from Tokyo to Cologne this fall, so I won't have a translator any longer when I go to Tokyo. And trying to communicate in English with Japanese usually ends in...hell!
They can't speak it properly but they won't let you go because they are so happy to be able to use English once and they are too polite to tell you that they have no idea of what you are talikng about at all.
I can help Sao learning German, she can help me learning Japanese. Nice!
But my next trip to Japan won't be in the near future. First I have to save up for my mandatory stay abroad next year which I decided to take in Brighton (England) because I fell in love with the city when I went there in February. Staying there for about two months will cost me about 2000Euro.
And before that my sweetheart and I want to holiday in Samana (Dom. Republic) which will also cost around 2000Euro for 2 weeks....
Yeah,a pitty that I don't have rich parents...
Anyway, I'm looking forward to all the challenges of the upcoming months and have tons of ideas for my art stuff, so everything is fine with me
They can't speak it properly but they won't let you go because they are so happy to be able to use English once and they are too polite to tell you that they have no idea of what you are talikng about at all.
I can help Sao learning German, she can help me learning Japanese. Nice!
But my next trip to Japan won't be in the near future. First I have to save up for my mandatory stay abroad next year which I decided to take in Brighton (England) because I fell in love with the city when I went there in February. Staying there for about two months will cost me about 2000Euro.
And before that my sweetheart and I want to holiday in Samana (Dom. Republic) which will also cost around 2000Euro for 2 weeks....
Yeah,a pitty that I don't have rich parents...
Anyway, I'm looking forward to all the challenges of the upcoming months and have tons of ideas for my art stuff, so everything is fine with me
Dieser metrosexuelle Cowboy ist Irvine Kinneas, ein Charakter aus meinem absoluten Lieblingsspiel, Final Fantasy VIII. Hab ihn eigentlich nur wegen aktueller Modezwnge in SGGermany ausgewhlt.
Voher hatte ich Seifer Almasy, einer der Antagonisten von Final Fantasy VIII.
Nur einer meiner Avatare ist eine Anime-Figur. Witzigerweise ein Mdchen: Lain Iwakura aus Serial Experiments Lain. Ein tolles Anime, vor gefhlten hundert Jahren fr $120 aus USA importiert