Only two days of university left, then a two weeks break! Can't wait!
Got my results of the last written test which was very important and I had a bad feeling on. 1,7!!! Are they kidding? I wrote total nonsense and they give me a 1,7....Sometimes I really doubt the university standards are different from the ones in grade 13 at school.
I often feel like I'm not prepared well enough and leave with a bad feeling but in the end the grades are good. And no, I'm not one of these persons who always say "Oh my God, I have such a bad feeling about that!" but secretly know that they passed well. But,hey, why think about it too much? If it works like that, why not?
There are so many nice things coming up. The first x-mas and New Year's Eve with my new boyfriend! I love all this sentimental stuff but never do the New Year's resolution. In the end you are just disappointed that you didn't do what you promised to yourself so I don't even start with that.
Also next year my friend Sao from Japan who visited me in September will probably come to Germany (Cologne) for a longer period of time!!!! Yay!!! It would be so great to have her around more often! Japan is so far away, it always costs us a lot of money to meet.
And finally there will be our 5-days trip to London in February! It will be like coming home for me. I love the city so much it hurts. When I see pictures of London I could jump into the next plane.
My boyfriend never had any vacation outside Germany except one week in Amsterdam two years ago with his best friend! And he is 33!
I was somehow shocked to discover that. I mean, of course it is not possible to go on vacation with 4 children and both parents working in their own bar but that he never did it when he was grown up...Strange! Travelling is an essential part of my life.
But on the other hand it makes the trip even more exciting because I can show all the things I love about London and he had never seen before.
Well, what else?
My set...and my set ...oh, Morrigan said we get bad skin and grow ugly if we spam in our blogs about our set But I think it is sad that I received quite few comments on it because it is at least comparable to other sets that have more.
But in the end, who cares? I received some really nice ones (I would have loved to thank the person comparing it to a Waterhouse painting! But he or she is anonymous),met some interesting people who requested friendship after seeing it, got really nice pics for private use and one year free membership to SG. So it was absolutly worth it! And I will definitly shoot a second one, this time not in a hurry and more after my own ideas.
Got my results of the last written test which was very important and I had a bad feeling on. 1,7!!! Are they kidding? I wrote total nonsense and they give me a 1,7....Sometimes I really doubt the university standards are different from the ones in grade 13 at school.
I often feel like I'm not prepared well enough and leave with a bad feeling but in the end the grades are good. And no, I'm not one of these persons who always say "Oh my God, I have such a bad feeling about that!" but secretly know that they passed well. But,hey, why think about it too much? If it works like that, why not?
There are so many nice things coming up. The first x-mas and New Year's Eve with my new boyfriend! I love all this sentimental stuff but never do the New Year's resolution. In the end you are just disappointed that you didn't do what you promised to yourself so I don't even start with that.
Also next year my friend Sao from Japan who visited me in September will probably come to Germany (Cologne) for a longer period of time!!!! Yay!!! It would be so great to have her around more often! Japan is so far away, it always costs us a lot of money to meet.
And finally there will be our 5-days trip to London in February! It will be like coming home for me. I love the city so much it hurts. When I see pictures of London I could jump into the next plane.
My boyfriend never had any vacation outside Germany except one week in Amsterdam two years ago with his best friend! And he is 33!
I was somehow shocked to discover that. I mean, of course it is not possible to go on vacation with 4 children and both parents working in their own bar but that he never did it when he was grown up...Strange! Travelling is an essential part of my life.
But on the other hand it makes the trip even more exciting because I can show all the things I love about London and he had never seen before.
Well, what else?
My set...and my set ...oh, Morrigan said we get bad skin and grow ugly if we spam in our blogs about our set But I think it is sad that I received quite few comments on it because it is at least comparable to other sets that have more.
But in the end, who cares? I received some really nice ones (I would have loved to thank the person comparing it to a Waterhouse painting! But he or she is anonymous),met some interesting people who requested friendship after seeing it, got really nice pics for private use and one year free membership to SG. So it was absolutly worth it! And I will definitly shoot a second one, this time not in a hurry and more after my own ideas.
I always feel like I have outdated taste in music, so thanks for the compliment.