i'm a good kisser your a fast learner and that kind of thing could float us for a preatty long time. and one day you'd realize you'd have memorized my old number and you'll call it and find it's a dissconnected line. cause i got tossed out the window of loves el camino. and i shattered into a shower of sparks on the curb. you were smoking weren't you bethween your yellow fingers you just inhaled and exhaled without saying a word. and were was your contents were was your constenous. and were did you put all those letters that you wrote to yourself. I'm sorry i love ani difranco i had a really shitty day and it's gonna get worse i need a drink
that's gross. haha. I can't take out my nipple rings, it grosses me out. :p my ear plugs are a different story thoughthose reek. hahaha nasty
I'll feel much better tomorrow thanks for the nice words. Enjoy your drink and don't feel bad for me. I've got some Lortab and some muscle relaxers and it's already 4:20 here so I'm not feeling as much pain lol. Have a good night.