Halloween is fucking depressing as shit. The best thing was a bunch of folks responded to my story. I talked to my partner today and she's broke. So i'll probaly have to bail her out. I don't know why i can't say just go fuck yourself. Actually I know why I can't. She's very pretty and intelligant. Unlike myself, hey did I mention I suck at spelling( feel free to correct me on stuff). Today at work was pretty intresting. I made friends with this lady named shanikya. She"s the coolest and mad ghetto. Other wise I have been packing my shit because tomarrow I move in to my new place. I cant wait. So that's all
boring Halloween.
boring Halloween.
Your heartwrenchingly tragic tale of woe actually was the saving factor in my Hallowe'en. I feel bad making jokes but it's really to cover the heavy disturbance in invoked in me. Sort of like Chandler did on Friends.
But it was true about the Wafflestomper Stomp song.