could my life get any better wow. what a wonderful moment to be alive. i might be losing it but it feels great i'm just overwhelm with this this well fuck i guess it's happiness. nothing happend that was good today. i by myself and i feel fucking fantastic. hope your day is going just as good.
i'm so glad ur feeling fantastic, rock on!
Why is it that all my friends are ditching me because i live in the cities. and none of the city folk seem to know i exist. at a point where it would be could to have human contact there isn't any. And when i really don't want people around they are always there. like when your getting down and dirty with someone they always...
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thank you thankyou and thank you
awh. if i lived int he city i'd call you and we're hang out. heh.

vigourous masturbation is the only way i fall asleep at night.

-kay' ARRR!!!
well i feel like a total dip shit even though i shoulden't. good news i can make rent my truck payment and insurance so i'm not as broke as i thought i was. my partners dad still isn't out of the hospital frown . but i think he's getting out wendsday. so i'll probally have to go to her folks house and rake a bunch of...
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eating lipgloss?? lol
Well its offical i am pathatic. i went one whole day without talking to her. and i broke the silence this afternoon. for those of you that don't know i was avoiding my partner for a week. but i could only manage a day. pretty lame huh?
oh ya i'm fucking broke.
Girl, if you need to get some stuff off your chest....I am all yours kiss
My bad... blush of course we can still talk... smile
Last night me and my friends went to shoot some pool. And their was a bunch of fucking redneck jocks that made fun of my buddy vern. We were gonna throw glazed donuts at them but it really wasen't worth our time. so i didn't get home until four in the morning. Sleeping peacefully and i get a call from my mom. So i woke...
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hmm. that sounds like it would be fun. but i dont think i'd ever leave nyc either. and it i were to leave it i wouldn't go to toronto. i think that city is disgusting. heh.

-kay' ARRR!!!
nyc, i live in minnesota. minneapolis minnesota to be exact.
Well today I t to go see Caroline's dad in the hospital. he's doing all right and should be out by tuesday. He asked me if Iwould rake the yard for him and knowing me i did. I really hate fall. FUCKING LEAFS mad. by the time i finished raking the yard there was more leaves on the ground than there was when i started....
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I go to St Sabrinas's in uptown. Jesika there is awsome. Where did you move from?
Has anybody heard of the band Morphine. I you haven't , look them up today and prepare yourselfs to be enlightend. It puts you in a state or i'm out of my fucking mind eeek
yeah morphine is cool
You know it's pretty neat just to sit at a coffee shop and watch all the people. they work in wierd ways like some are conversing and a girl is completly stressing balancing her check book. A guy in the corner has no respect for anybody and he's hacking and spiting in a cup. A girl is bragging how rich her boyfriend is. A FAT...
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it IS spectacular! he didn't even use a recipe, he just threw everything together,
i dunno what it was. the booze i just bought...he's under 21 and i bought him liquor shocked
Dear diary or journal
i have a big confession to make. I decided to try some pizza after being completly vegan for nearly 3 years. puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke These little throw up guys represent how many times i wanted to puke. but actually it wasen't as horrible as i would have thought. i really miss cheese sometimes. Well i spoke to caroline and her dad is in the...
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Well this morning I woke up late but made it to work on time smile . But I forgot my cell phone frown . Today at work I made Caroline a little concrete heart and put in a little envolope and inserted it into her lunchbox. I'm pretty sure she found it, but i haven't heard nothing from her yet. I sure do miss her. Anyway I...
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You are too sweet. I hope she knows what shes missing.
Ithink something is very wrong with me. That or i am drinking way too much coffee before night time. I am so exhausted. I've been working so much overtime. the checks are really nice but fuck man i'm so tired. right now i'm listening to morphine and sobbing. It's not that i am depressed, it cause i get all emotional when i'm tired. i'm vegan...
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yeah don't eat the meat, i'm not vegan, but i don't eat much meat, i don't really like it, everyonce in awhile i get a craving and eat a whole bunch of meat, then i don't feel so well.
Well I finally moved into my place. What a fucking drag. My partner spent the night with me. I wanted to fuck but she wasn't feeling good so that sucked. After a long stressful day at work I decided to go up to caffetto(a local coffee shop in minneapolis) and write in my journal. I wish someone would give me a little human contact. Later...
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where are pics of you?
Argh!! You had FAR WORSE a time than me. Ugh...sorry for that. Thanks for the comment, though.