I am amusing myself in class with the Meathead Perspective, and reading journal entries of people I don't know on livejournal. The things that little kids say, and how adults continue to find it amusing.. makes my class less annoying. I have to write an obituary still.. I don't want to do it. I also don't want to write a paper on commercialism during the Middle Ages. Like really, I don't know jack shit about that. How the hell am I suppose to interpret data..... when I don't know what the hell it is really saying!!!!!!!!! Thanks for making my week suck.
I need a latte... or a coke. I'm fucking bored....
I need a latte... or a coke. I'm fucking bored....
What I would like from you is three words. It can be any three words you can think of. They can be completely random or a person, place or thing, just whatever pops into your head. Everyone who gives me three words get a post-it note story containing their words. It will most likely take me awhile to get everyones story done, but it will get done.
The reason Im asking for your three words instead of choosing my own is twofold. First, you may give me a word that I never would have thought of. Second, by promising each of you who respond to this a story, it will force me to focus and actually write.
For those of you not familiar with my post-it note format let me explain. Post-it note stories are stories that can be contained on; you guessed it, a post-it note. I use the front and back and have learned to write very small. I can get a lot of words on one of those notes.
So, can you help me out? All I need from you is three words