Damn what a great day for sports! First the Tigers win their division, and Michigan wins against State. I am a happy happy girl. Now if only I didn't have to go to work at midnight. Dealing with drunk people nicely is not one of my virtues.
More Blogs
Thursday Jun 22, 2006
You Tube is wonderful. I'm watching anime!!! Sailormoon......how I lo… -
Saturday Jun 10, 2006
The new layout is hideous. I can't find anything. There are buttons e… -
Friday Jun 09, 2006
I'm going stir crazy. I need out of my house before I kill someone in… -
Wednesday May 24, 2006
The backyard atmy house is a huge mudpit... there are strangeen wonde… -
Friday May 19, 2006
Thanks for the birthday wishes. I didn't do or get anything for my bi… -
Monday May 08, 2006
I'm downstate....and I have so much shit. How did it all fit in my ap… -
Thursday Apr 27, 2006
Health Promotion should be the easiest class I take this semester... … -
Sunday Apr 23, 2006
So, I'm not graduating this May. I kinda fucked it up. Then again... … -
Wednesday Apr 19, 2006
The semester is almost over... where did it go? Seriously. My college… -
Sunday Apr 09, 2006
Beauty is Oryx and her shutterbug set.
do something fallish? and maybe i was thinking we could shoot a set together sometime? joewill hook us up, email me for info.