All I want is to bake. First... I can't find chocolate chips.. so I go... ok I'll make peanut butter... and then I discover I don't have enough brown sugar... so I go.. fine.. I'll make sugar cookies... I finally find a recipe with the stuff I have.. and then.. I go to the fridge..... someone has eatten the last eggs. This is not a good day. All I want is a freshly baked cookie.
And note... I would just walk to the store.. but it's pouring outside.

hit me up kid! mmmmmmk? we can bake together =) a baking fiesta!
we should plan a "kid" day.
Joes working 2 jobs, i'm doin sewing so im always alone bleh! we should get together! heyyyy, wana go to greenfield viallage for their halloween celebration. its on weekends till halloween. you make stuff, eat, its alll period halloween stuff, wana go with us?