I saw Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest, and I have to say it was dissapointing. The ending just pissed me off. There was no kind of resolution at all. It was just ok.. the movie is ending now. Come back in a year and a half to see how it really ends. I wish more things had been explained... I thought there were a number of plot holes. Still it was entertaining, just not as much as the first one.
Work is still work. I work my first evening shiftthis week. That will be interesting. I really like working with Joanie. Everyone else... doesn't do jack squat. If they think I'm going to take care of the whole store...they are out of their minds. One of the guys there deals during his shifts. Which I find amazing... there are camera's pointing at you.... how can he still be working there. It blows my mind.
Today while comming out of FYE on Woodward I saw my first high speed chase. A black guy was evading arrest... and the poice were chasing him all over Woodward. It was very exciting.
Work is still work. I work my first evening shiftthis week. That will be interesting. I really like working with Joanie. Everyone else... doesn't do jack squat. If they think I'm going to take care of the whole store...they are out of their minds. One of the guys there deals during his shifts. Which I find amazing... there are camera's pointing at you.... how can he still be working there. It blows my mind.
Today while comming out of FYE on Woodward I saw my first high speed chase. A black guy was evading arrest... and the poice were chasing him all over Woodward. It was very exciting.

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