..don't know what I'm talking about? Please...I'd rather call it ignorant bliss..... smile
...actually, the couch is the same colour as the whatever face whatever ...ok...enough about the fucking couch! smile
Damn. I had to ask my credit card company for a limit raise. Not that I am overdue on payments or anything...I'm uber cool with the house. Its just that one has to dig and dig and dig and dig oneself into debt in order to buy a condo and new furnature and all that kinda crap. So, of course, I figure since I'm doing...
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I bought a couch....ultra suede....its official. I am a yuppie.
Were you born in Scotland and then moved to Canada, or were your parents from Scotland and you were born in Canada?


Also, what is your clan? I'm very interested in Scottish history, culture, music, dancing, language, etc, so I hope you don't mind me being nosy.
Oh my god I have to piss....and my silly roomate Dre is in the tub!! Damn girls and their extended bathroom hours! frown
wuss (j/k) tongue
the eradicator...LOL LOL
Thats it. I'm done. No more chasing women around. Not worth it. Blah! My problem is, I want to be adored and loved but that feeling makes me recoil....I am all about me-time but at the same time I want to share my life with someone.....ARG! smile
I bought new pillows. I am excited about new pillows...I need to get out more and perhaps teach some hamsters to mosh or something....maybe stage dive. Anything to keep me from viewing new pillows as my highlight of the week..... eeek
well, I went to Ikea and bought some shit for the condo. This is going to be beautifull! I figure if I get enough Ikea into my condo I will eventually go insane, develop a much sexier and cooler alter personality, blow up my condo, and become a leader of an underground cult...eventually taking over the world. YAY! surreal
Time is a loser, boozer, snoozer
He carried up, married up a mid-west Hoosier,
Coffee beans, fax machines, playin like a schmoozer,
Hes getting rather long in the tooth!