Quite controlled jajaj
Quite controlled jajaj

Coucou! Toujours ici toi?! Koi de neuf?
hahahaha yeah, i will never forget that corner either.
a guy was like staring at the window the whole time hahahha
a guy was like staring at the window the whole time hahahha
A photographer who doesnt photograph women is no photographer, or only a third-rate one. Meeting a woman anywhere teaches you more about the world than reading Balzac. Whether it be a wife, a woman encountered by happenstance, or a prostitute, she will teach you about the world. In fact I build my life on meeting women and I have hardly read a book since primary...
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hello my lovely future friend...
cute kittie and cute smile..

cute kittie and cute smile..

new stage in my life
she is one of the sweetie things sg give US ,

pas mal d'investissement financiers en fait, c'est surtout ce qui me fait peur, j'ai vu pas mal de photographes bien plus talentueux que moi se planter par mauvaise gestion ou cause de mauvaise dmarche commerciale, la qualit ne faisant malheureusement pas tout.
J'ai fait mes choix en tenant compte de tout a pour 2009, on verra si c'est payant, j'espre que le bilan de fin d'anne te donnera raison.
merci en tout cas pour tes encouragements et meilleurs voeux pour 2009 !
J'ai fait mes choix en tenant compte de tout a pour 2009, on verra si c'est payant, j'espre que le bilan de fin d'anne te donnera raison.
merci en tout cas pour tes encouragements et meilleurs voeux pour 2009 !
Aww, cute dog.
Thanks for the compliment on my rejected set! I'm glad you like it; too bad the lawyers don't.

Update, dammit!!

I dont know my future after this weekend, and I dont want to.
Bjrk, Big Time Sensuality
Bjrk, Big Time Sensuality
hey, umm i need some whip whip whipping, i keep giving up on my writings.

I saw Silent Hill yesterday, man it was bad...
some nice images but the music was horrible and the scenario was incredibly weak.
earlier in the day I had an audition to be the host of a TV show. it was fun to put myself out of the confort zone... to feel the adrenaline... being in a studio and working with 4 cameras filming me...
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some nice images but the music was horrible and the scenario was incredibly weak.
earlier in the day I had an audition to be the host of a TV show. it was fun to put myself out of the confort zone... to feel the adrenaline... being in a studio and working with 4 cameras filming me...
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....spent the night outside with 2 gorgeous girls, plenty of THC in my blood and a bottle of good scotch in my pocket.
visited a couple of art galeries, all open 'til 3 AM for the Montreal High Lights event. (Montreal en lumires)
everybody outside, snowsuits, boots and smiles;
the cold, crisp night was conveying the music really well.
visited a couple of art galeries, all open 'til 3 AM for the Montreal High Lights event. (Montreal en lumires)
everybody outside, snowsuits, boots and smiles;
the cold, crisp night was conveying the music really well.
Hello!!! Pleasure to meet ya!!!!! Thanks for visiitng Casa de Panties!!! You are welcome back anytime!!!!
Hee hee ... sounds like you had an incredible night!!!! You have great taste!!!!
Hee hee ... sounds like you had an incredible night!!!! You have great taste!!!!
don't be too jealous....
it's crap today, plus it'll be brown and dirty until june!!!
how was your weekend, snow aside?
it's crap today, plus it'll be brown and dirty until june!!!

how was your weekend, snow aside?
oh man, I get to try this incredible new camera for the next documentary series I'm directing... XDCAM, it writes directly on hard disk... works great in low light... films in 24 images/sec progressive scan... I'm a happy D.O.P!
- end of geeky comment -
here it's snowing... from my windows it is very very nice... especially by my fireplace, half naked...
- end of geeky comment -
here it's snowing... from my windows it is very very nice... especially by my fireplace, half naked...

that fuckin rocks that bran van 3000 is one of your faves!!! they are so fab! what has happened to them? i saw them ages ago in this little club and to this day, aside from U2, they put on the most amazing show.
anyhoo.....wicked camera. i actually understand your geeky language as my hubby is also fluent, and we a ton of geeky mags kickin around the house.....silly boys and their toys!!!!
oh, don't sit too close to the fire if half naked.....just a reminder

anyhoo.....wicked camera. i actually understand your geeky language as my hubby is also fluent, and we a ton of geeky mags kickin around the house.....silly boys and their toys!!!!

oh, don't sit too close to the fire if half naked.....just a reminder

hey i was thinking we could talk...i'll try calling again...or you call me when you have time!