If you'd cry me a river you could baptize me in, id say 'That's it. I've fucking seen everything now!'
Y'know, you can talk shit about twitter all you want, but when I started on there I pretty much stopped blogging. Go back and read some of that shit if you don't know why that's a good thing.
hello baby
i loved yr comment on my set,thanks for yr support
i loved yr comment on my set,thanks for yr support

Lords of the Boards is the best song about a snow board race with an alien, EVER!
OMG that song is fucking kick ass <3333333
If you're not busy tomorrow lets nerd out.
BTW, I love to do the falling leaf when I ride down a groomed run.
If you're not busy tomorrow lets nerd out.
BTW, I love to do the falling leaf when I ride down a groomed run.
Can't believe it's been that long since I posted here. My life is boring. I've been working on making it big on podcasting. I'm getting there. I'm going to be on the TWiT network next monday the 24th.
Tell Aric he's a tablet snob.
Ha, loved your IBTC comments! Welcome back to the community.
so last night we were locked in the hall by order of the sheriff's department. There was some gun toting maniac running around shooting people. They let us leave, but it was before they apprehended him. Personally I could have waited a minute or two longer for them to actually catch the guy and maybe disarm him, but hey I'm sure they know what they're...
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Holy hell! That's really bizarre. Why would they let anybody out before the guy was caught (or at least they had a better idea of his whereabouts!) Yikes!
Quick question: are you guys still doing the Loud Music Symposium? (just checking) lemme know if you are. I checked on line and it seemed like it hadn't been going on for several years. Is that right?
Quick question: are you guys still doing the Loud Music Symposium? (just checking) lemme know if you are. I checked on line and it seemed like it hadn't been going on for several years. Is that right?
Do you wanna know why people hate the media? Because they for every fair, balanced story they report they pull crap like this: KCRA 3 here in Sacramento just reported on a story they called "Gone Fishing." Several Sac Sheriff homicide detectives requested and were approved for time off to go on a fishing trip. Just like anyone else, they are permitted to take time...
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Where you be at foo?

Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my set!

No word from Apple. That's a bit frustrating. I thought the interview went really well. How is it possible that finding a second, part-time job is harder than finding a regular full-time one? Ug. Ohio State played like shit today. I can't wait for the harassment to start on monday. What is about sports that bring out the worst in people? It doesn't matter that...
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Hmm... I don't know what it is about Imogen Heap that I find profundly interesting. I have always had a predilection for original personalities, but she seems to go above and beyond. If I encountered anyone else saying the things she says or doing the things she does, I'd wonder how long they'd been off their medication- but not her. When she says or does...
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The gross mismanagement of my life has finally caught up to me. The one thing that I thought would be there for me when I got my shit together is gone. I guess you reap what you sew.
Finally home. I have a scab on my head and a chip on my shoulder. I also have a huge mess to deal with. I keep telling myself now is the dark before the dawn, but I think I'm full of shit. I'm pretty sure that I have too much education and experience to be making minimum wage, yet that's exactly what I'm doing. No,...
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Finally. I am done with my job, but now the real work begins. 60 hours trapped on a train with 110 teenagers. What the fuck was I thinking?