Getting into all my old habits again...getting up at 1pm, doing nothing all day, going out at night. This probably isn't good.

I just realized how much I love the city. I'm thinking I want to move there. So much to do, so many people to meet, pizza at anytime of the day. It's so expensive though, damn it.
I'm off to shower, go get a paper, check out the job market, and sit around until 6pm, so I can go get some information from a previous employer (I'd rather go up to the store than to talk to them on the phone). My friend wants to go to the store anyway.


On hold:
"To file your claim, please have handy the phone...
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Went into Manhatten tonight. My god it was so COLD tonight. A bunch of us went to this laser light show deally at the planetarium. It was pretty fun. They played Radiohead and stuff. I also ate Freeze-dried ice cream, yum.
Last night I was watching HBO and Real Sex came on featuring none other than The Suicide Girls! I knew they had an appearance, but I never got a chance to see it. All the girls were beautiful, as usual. I recommend you see it - Real Sex 31. Aiki has the cutest accent ever, by the way!

skullskull XXX skullskull
Apparently I have the Tuesday blues too, because I didn't go to work today either. smile
Today I didn't feel like going to work...so I didn't. I've got a case of the Monday blues I guess.

I'm going to start looking for a new job I think. I'm getting so bored at this one, and I'm tired of being the only one who can do certain very annoying tasks because the other guys are incompatent.