I always get like this
Like theres some switch in my brain that goes off and all of a sudden what I have isnt good enough.
I get tired of things being stagnant. Bored. Why cant I just be happy?
Always searching, never finding. How poetic of me.
And some unrelated photos:

Like theres some switch in my brain that goes off and all of a sudden what I have isnt good enough.
I get tired of things being stagnant. Bored. Why cant I just be happy?
Always searching, never finding. How poetic of me.
And some unrelated photos:

Are you happy? Great. Stay the course.
Not happy? Count your blessings.
Still not happy? Decide to do something different.
Frustrated? Do something different sooner.
In pain? Do something different now!
The only true emotions really are peace, love, and joy. Those we can find inside of us regardless of any circumstance or situation we might find ourselves in. Don't believe me? Try it! Think about peace and you will feel peaceful. Think about love, then joy, same thing. Think about happiness and you will probably be reminded of all the things you don't have yet and all the reasons you have not to be happy. That's why it's a messenger emotion. Soooooooo...
It's okay to not be happy all of the time. The universe in its nature is expanding. When we aren't happy with things in our lives, it's just a gentle reminder to keep moving and keep growing. Nothing wrong with that at all. Just remember you don't always have to destroy everything in the house you've built if what you really need is just some new paint or a more comfortable couch. Sometimes you do need a new house. In that case, burn that fucker down!!
*sorry for the novel*
ETA: Your ass is amazing.
you are getting so fucking sexy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!