Peanut Update!
I know I just updated fairly recently, but since then I've discovered what the source of his problem is! Peanut has MITES! Very treatable, but very expensive, since he will have to be sedated so the vet will be able to work with him, and sedation is about $100 in itself. Looking at about $200+ for this vet visit. I signed up for CareCredit so I can get him in ASAP, and I feel 10x better now that I know he will be able to get the help he needs. Trying to get him in tomorrow or Tuesday! Wish me luck!
I know I just updated fairly recently, but since then I've discovered what the source of his problem is! Peanut has MITES! Very treatable, but very expensive, since he will have to be sedated so the vet will be able to work with him, and sedation is about $100 in itself. Looking at about $200+ for this vet visit. I signed up for CareCredit so I can get him in ASAP, and I feel 10x better now that I know he will be able to get the help he needs. Trying to get him in tomorrow or Tuesday! Wish me luck!