I have my own little kitty friend!!
Her name is Ebony and she has chosen me as her owner...she is quite a free spirit...she told her old owner (my old roomate) that she really missed me and connected with me the most and was also trying to eat the baby ferret she was living with...so
Yay!!! Ebby is now mine!
Here's some photos of our day outside in the yard...

She is quite the squirelly kitty, so its hard to take her photo...she doesnt know how to pose for the camera yet.

Here is one of her kinky tail...it has a 90degree kink, her tail is always high up like a squirrels.

While she was exploring and eating grass, I shot some pics of flowers...

I hope I didnt bore you too much with this post... i feel like a grandma talking about my cat and flowers. haha!
♥Hugs, Sloppy kisses and cheek squeezes♥
I have my own little kitty friend!!
Her name is Ebony and she has chosen me as her owner...she is quite a free spirit...she told her old owner (my old roomate) that she really missed me and connected with me the most and was also trying to eat the baby ferret she was living with...so
Yay!!! Ebby is now mine!
Here's some photos of our day outside in the yard...

She is quite the squirelly kitty, so its hard to take her photo...she doesnt know how to pose for the camera yet.

Here is one of her kinky tail...it has a 90degree kink, her tail is always high up like a squirrels.

While she was exploring and eating grass, I shot some pics of flowers...

I hope I didnt bore you too much with this post... i feel like a grandma talking about my cat and flowers. haha!
♥Hugs, Sloppy kisses and cheek squeezes♥

Yay for kitties, SO cuuute!