R.I.P Ralphy c.1996-2007
Last night my parent's cat Ralphy passed away. He died at 10 p.m. at our vet's office. He had stopped drinking and eating and was just moping around the house.
Ralphy was a special cat. Him and his brother Buzz were actually born in Singapore and my brother brought him back with him when the Navy transferred him to Corpus Cristi. My...
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Last night my parent's cat Ralphy passed away. He died at 10 p.m. at our vet's office. He had stopped drinking and eating and was just moping around the house.
Ralphy was a special cat. Him and his brother Buzz were actually born in Singapore and my brother brought him back with him when the Navy transferred him to Corpus Cristi. My...
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So yesterday I helped a friend move some stuff into an apartment. He's been having relationship problems and rented this place over a year ago as a place to "escape". Anyways I helped him move some shit from a to b and then we had lunch. He also filled my gas tank which was nice cuz it costs about $50 to fill the fucking thing...
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$330 plus $185 for the tow
Um that all REALLY REALLY sucks...I would be SO pissed!!!
happy fart of july.
I'm not doing shit today and I feel like shit too. How ironic. I've had this virus crap kicking my ass for the last week or so. I have been hitting it with everything but the kitchen sick, but the fucker just won't die. Benedril, sudafed, mucinex, vicodin cough syrup (i love dating a nurse), large amounts of Vitamin C, accupuncture...
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I'm not doing shit today and I feel like shit too. How ironic. I've had this virus crap kicking my ass for the last week or so. I have been hitting it with everything but the kitchen sick, but the fucker just won't die. Benedril, sudafed, mucinex, vicodin cough syrup (i love dating a nurse), large amounts of Vitamin C, accupuncture...
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Wow I hope your feeling much better now!
Dear asshole piece of shit motherfucker(s),
Thanks for breaking into my truck today while I was at MY JOB and stealing my radio and my bluetooth headset for my phone. Thanks for smashing my window and filling my passenger side of my truck with "safety" glass (which can still cut you btw). Now instead of having a leisurely Saturday, I will now have to figure...
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Thanks for breaking into my truck today while I was at MY JOB and stealing my radio and my bluetooth headset for my phone. Thanks for smashing my window and filling my passenger side of my truck with "safety" glass (which can still cut you btw). Now instead of having a leisurely Saturday, I will now have to figure...
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that fucking sucks.....what a bad day!
Thanks for the comment on my set gorgeous

OK. I started that new job at the studio last monday. It's going really good. I work 8 to 5 with an hour for lunch. I'm also gonna get my first paycheck May 5 (just in time for the Ministry/Revolting Cocks show on sunday may 7th). I'm really excited to have steady employment and to also be closer to shooting. I did shoot some stuff...
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I don't know WHY I opened the picture of your finger but I couldn't resist. Iew. Hope that's all healed up.
Congrats on the job.
well I went out to Dallas today to talk with that studio about the photo assisting job. and...I'm taking it. I'll start out assisting and be trained to shoot. After 3 months I also get a nice raise. Full benefits....OT...insurance....it's about time something good happened to me....!!!!

huray!!! send the good luck my way
k I will!!
Wow. Beena while since I updated so here i goes. Last week I worked freelance doing retouching at Dillards all week. It rocked...i rocked..enough said. I think they were very happy with my work and how fast I got it all done. I really really really would love to be there fulltime. Maybe it will happen. OK now the weekend. Last weekend was rather eventful....
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You going to make the party Saturday?
what party?
To anyone that lives in Denton, TX : I'm gonna have one of my photos published tomorrow (i Think) in a story about the Denton MS Walk that was on Saturday.
yeah i'm way over it myself having lived there for a number of years. but hey it was for a good cause.

Thanks for the bday wishes!
Really today wasn't all that bad. Until tonight. More on that later.
I got up at the buttcrack of dawn to go shoot a Charity Event for the Multiple Sclerosis Society. I have photographed many of their fundraising events over the last few years. My mom has MS and I really like to volunteer these guys anyway that I can. So I drive to Denton...
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I got up at the buttcrack of dawn to go shoot a Charity Event for the Multiple Sclerosis Society. I have photographed many of their fundraising events over the last few years. My mom has MS and I really like to volunteer these guys anyway that I can. So I drive to Denton...
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Monday- discovered I had a cracked windshield
- called Dillards and got no answer about that new job
- Got a last minute call for a photoshoot Tuesday night. good money.
Tuesday- Called around for new windshield prices...about $200
- Did photoshoot, everything went good.
Wednesday- Called Dillards and was told they aren't gonna hire anybody fulltime for the retouching position, they are gonna use...
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- called Dillards and got no answer about that new job
- Got a last minute call for a photoshoot Tuesday night. good money.
Tuesday- Called around for new windshield prices...about $200
- Did photoshoot, everything went good.
Wednesday- Called Dillards and was told they aren't gonna hire anybody fulltime for the retouching position, they are gonna use...
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You know... If you didn't drive a tank, it wouldn't cost you that much for gas. 

what does a manipulation involve?
I work at a vet clinic - so my love for animals is a lot.
I really am sorry for your loss
I hope you are doing well