My storage depot site! http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article6917.htm & http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=15&ItemID=6565 & http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0411/S00025.htm & a good compiation http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0411/S00025.htm & http://politics.guardian.co.uk/print/0,3858,4747953-111381,00.html & http://www.btinternet.com/~nlpwessex/Documents/WATWherewerethefighters.htm & http://globalresearch.ca/articles/PAL410A.html & http://users.resist.ca/~blackcat/bushvancouver.pdf & http://www.globalresearch.ca/
To be true to oneself you must travel the oceans of Adversity rather than lying at anchor in the Shallows of indifference and complacency! My motto -fringes [Give me PASSION over acceptance anyday!] So heres my 1st political instalment for those who still have the ability to think for themselves! QUOTE- A figure of 100,000 iraqi civilians [200,000 if you include Fallujah] have died due...
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[Edited on Oct 29, 2004 11:41PM]
[Edited on Oct 29, 2004 11:41PM]
So did we work this out? I was being instinctive about it, ie. whatever looks nicest.
"Genius" = >genius<.
ingenius = <genius>
Whom can I call upon to save me from pretence?
Mistakes equal?
Never beaten in the field.
Your flat with your chin in sand
that you are lying in
with stones daubed in your fists.
[Edited on Oct 29, 2004 11:50PM]
"Genius" = >genius<.
ingenius = <genius>
Whom can I call upon to save me from pretence?
Mistakes equal?
Never beaten in the field.
Your flat with your chin in sand
that you are lying in
with stones daubed in your fists.
[Edited on Oct 29, 2004 11:50PM]
I think its about time that we voiced a little concern [HAH! OUTRAGE!!!] concerning this Henious crime[s]!! 620 children murdered in the past 4yr's and all we can write about is our own inadequacies ,loneliness ,our lattest tats etc. etc. etc. WAKEUP!!! Theres another world out there where they >>TRUELY SUFFER<<

Still sitting on the fence concerning who to vote for? Maybe this will help! [but I doubt it
] http://www.zmag.org/Sustainers/Content/2004-10/27pilger.cfm

Fare well Ed. [what else can i say here? you have to love this guy, right?] Peace in the Middle-East!!
[Edited on Oct 28, 2004 1:53PM]
[Edited on Oct 28, 2004 1:53PM]
A recent article in our local news covered the deaths of a young couple who apparently hung themselves in a suicide pact! It went on to mention him majoring in psychology [huh?] and both were into Goth. I remember making a similar pact with an exgirlfriend but it lost its 'urgency' once we sobered up! I shudder now at the thought of what could have...
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It worries me that people talked about wars waged in the name of God and then leave the issue at that. Aren't most wars about money and territory? For example, after a debate that we had at college about denying freedom of speech to extremists I was confronted by my opponant who wanted to know what I thought about an artist whom's ? pictures gave the impression of supporting the palestinian suicide bombers. I said that the artist wasn't extremist because the cause that she supported was not politically (ie. communist or fascist) or religiously extreme [fundamentalism]; it was territorial as the Israelis are the occupiers. I agreed that members of Hamas are extremist because of the methods that they resort to to make a political point.
I don't even think the war being waged by Al Quaida is particurly faith based either. Doesn't it have more to do with the percieved threat to middle-eastern and Islamic cultural values that are being eroded by consumerism and capitalism, and a death cult? It is also worth remembering that it was Stalin and Hitler who took lives with the most abandon in the previous century. I hate those two for giving atheism and central European philosophy the bad corona that it has.
I personally believe that religion can be enriching and extremely motivational. In order to retify the present state of Africa there must be a great deal of consensus and even more motivation. Perhaps if the religions were less scared of ridicule they might act charitably publically and openly again and better yet in conjunction with secular organisations and each other. I don't see this as such a bad thing.
We atheists must not oppose religion, firstly because if we do we become dogmatic and fall into the trap left for us by those who claim that it is merely another guise of religion or theism; we make strides to chase faith underground where it is unaccountable even to the structures within itself and surely that is where cruelty begins. Instead, if we teach as closely to the truth as we can wherever we might be teaching people will be able to make up their own minds and hold opinions safely.
I do think that there is a debate in here about the role of parents in their childrens spiritual upbringing. Parents who force their beliefs upon their children (if this is actually possibly) or command them to adhere to religious values or simply brainwash their offspring... these kinds of things make me angry but it is commonly believed, at least in this country, that you cannot tell somebody how they can and cannot raise their children. Open minds are where it's at that's all I'm saying.
I used to be the most ferocious priest baiter around and I guess that this is my penance or repentance or something. Hmmm. Is there still a role for for religious language in a secular society? I wish I had engaged with all of this at college.
Please don't think that I am being prentious. I'm just writing this to try and establish what I think, as much as I am attempting to console myself and to respond to your comment. Thank you for the platform.
Vote Democrat people!
I don't even think the war being waged by Al Quaida is particurly faith based either. Doesn't it have more to do with the percieved threat to middle-eastern and Islamic cultural values that are being eroded by consumerism and capitalism, and a death cult? It is also worth remembering that it was Stalin and Hitler who took lives with the most abandon in the previous century. I hate those two for giving atheism and central European philosophy the bad corona that it has.
I personally believe that religion can be enriching and extremely motivational. In order to retify the present state of Africa there must be a great deal of consensus and even more motivation. Perhaps if the religions were less scared of ridicule they might act charitably publically and openly again and better yet in conjunction with secular organisations and each other. I don't see this as such a bad thing.
We atheists must not oppose religion, firstly because if we do we become dogmatic and fall into the trap left for us by those who claim that it is merely another guise of religion or theism; we make strides to chase faith underground where it is unaccountable even to the structures within itself and surely that is where cruelty begins. Instead, if we teach as closely to the truth as we can wherever we might be teaching people will be able to make up their own minds and hold opinions safely.
I do think that there is a debate in here about the role of parents in their childrens spiritual upbringing. Parents who force their beliefs upon their children (if this is actually possibly) or command them to adhere to religious values or simply brainwash their offspring... these kinds of things make me angry but it is commonly believed, at least in this country, that you cannot tell somebody how they can and cannot raise their children. Open minds are where it's at that's all I'm saying.
I used to be the most ferocious priest baiter around and I guess that this is my penance or repentance or something. Hmmm. Is there still a role for for religious language in a secular society? I wish I had engaged with all of this at college.
Please don't think that I am being prentious. I'm just writing this to try and establish what I think, as much as I am attempting to console myself and to respond to your comment. Thank you for the platform.
Vote Democrat people!
A recently reunited[local] couple in their early 20's were both found 'Hung to Death' . [suicide pact] The article went on to mention that he was majoring in psychology and they were both into Goth! Whats that say?! The suicide* thing seems to be a current trend in Japan thats getting a lot of coverage. I remember making a pact with my former squeeze once...
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I was listening in DISBELIEF to the presidential debate tonight when I reflected back on everything I had learned over the past 3yrs concerning how easily we as a complacent society can be manipulated to accept the lies & deceptions we are 'spoon fed'! One of Bush's statements that set me off was "We tried everything possible to avoid the war". Read this article ,&...
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i actually do leather work and have a whole closet of cow hide, snake skin and rabbit pelts and even some sheep skin. Fur is not evil, cruelty is evil. There's a difference. Throwing paint and embarrising "vain" people misses the point entirely. It changes nothing, just makes someone think you're an asshole. Lobbying for reform, coming up with alternative methods to current inhumane ones, advocating PEACEFUL boycotts, those change things.
Some interesting FACTS on the 'TABOO"
topic! http://libreopinion.com/members/standarteslc/jewishquestion03.html [Its called MIND CONTROL!] ps. I resent complacent individuals for their lack of[com]PASSION!
[Edited on Oct 22, 2004 2:02AM]

[Edited on Oct 22, 2004 2:02AM]
I might have gotten my big break into showbiz & possible stardom by hopefully being spotted on TV while staging a 'Anti-ballistic missile defence program' protest rally! [Yeah right] The whole object of the US Starwars project is to gain supremacy &control of space aswell ! And in the process initiate ANOTHER ARMS RACE something Russia can ill afford! [BUT isn't that the whole idea!]...
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A very short article http://news.independent.co.uk/world/americas/story.jsp?story=569207
The follow up to the previous article [actual footage of a flying playstation] http://globalresearch.ca/images/Massacre%20of%20Civilians.wmv
'Rabid cowboys' in the skies!

I attended a 9-11 film presentation & artists discussion symposium in Vancouver on Sun. ,where I met a seasoned american activist [kent state] who stated that to get involved in any activity like this in the US is without question draw attention to yourself and expect to have your phone lines tapped etc. . As the night progressed I was becoming acutely aware of how...
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ps - in response to your email, i am majoring in crafts (emphasis on metalsmithing and jewelry making) in college. i make all sorts of metal things, or, i will be anyway.
right now i am working on a rivetted hexagonal box (copper) and a couple raised copper bowls. i have a much more ambitious project in the works but that one is a secret for now since hopefully it will show up in my next sg set.

right now i am working on a rivetted hexagonal box (copper) and a couple raised copper bowls. i have a much more ambitious project in the works but that one is a secret for now since hopefully it will show up in my next sg set.
Something of interest for Cerah concerning reducing industrial polution. As well as the current scramble for control of the worlds oil supply . This is FOR REAL folks! Look around as to how dependent we are on petroleum and its biproducts... fuels, fertilizers [agriculture {a LOT!}], plastics, synthetics [clothing, flooring etc.] ,lubricants , ashphalt etc etc. http://www.guardian.co.uk/oil/story/0,11319,1097672,00.html For MUCH more GOOGLE- Peak Oil

thanks for the comment on my new set
and welding is indeed wonderful