I took in the movie
this past weekend but because of its predictability left me yawning. As well I'll have to admit , had me rooting for the aliens
! whom I portrayed in my minds eye as agents of God sent to cleanse the earth of an experiment gone oh so wrong ! [ hint... it walks on 2 legs]
I also took in a
concert which blew my socks off! Im normally a hardcore rocker / blues fan[ satriani , clapton, santana etc.] but Jesse gave me a new found appreciation of the pure sound of upbeat rythmic acoustic guitar playing. Between his 2nd to none pickin and his backup violin ,percussion etc left me and audience in awe! And a packed dance area to prove it.
Didnt think Id let you off without a dose of politics ...did you ?! > I had to laugh when watching
public address [with his trained seals in military garb who applaud on cue, as a backdrop ]
And thought to myself "your grand daddy Prescott http://archive.democrats.com/preview.cfm?term=Prescott%20Bush
taught you and dad well in the ways of
manipulative propoganda ! [But the real scarey
part is how the public eats it up !
] Of which the topic was the threat to the "ahem" >Civilized world< through the immoral attacks by terrorists on Londons civilian population ! And I thought to myself ....what of your indiscriminate use of >Illegal <cluster bombs http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=40&ItemID=4806
which are still killing or maiming 1000 innocent children every month ! OR your use of illegal napalm & phosphorous bombs on the city of Fallujah http://mindprod.com/politics/iraqatrocities.html#ATROCITIES
in which well over 600 innocent civilians were Snuffed !
Or your indiscriminate use of illegal depleted uranium ammo http://sirdave.com/DU.html
with the equivalent radiation of 250,000 nagasaki bombs > http://www.dissidentvoice.org/Mar04/Nichols0327.htm
contaminating Iraq for over 4.5 Billion Years !
Or the FACT that the invasion [ which was based on LIES ] was Illegal under international LAW ! http://www.uslaboragainstwar.org/article.php?id=6593
OR your pilfering of funds [ link @ bottom $$ ] designated for the rebuilding of Iraq whos health and social infrastructure you purposely destroyed to demoralize the Iraqi population ! Heres an article titled A letter to the British people from a daughter of Iraq which best describes the Iraqi populations
hate & resentment ? [Oops, @ bottom of this entry >a letter<] Or if yould rather prefer Bush's
reason ! HUH ?
Bush you claim to be a reborn Christian but as I and much of the rest of the world sees it you are nothing more than satans [Wallstreets] errand
boy ! How else can anyone explain yur total disregard for human life ! I Relish the day I can
piss on yur grave !!!! But just as bothersome is the indifference by the .. general population !! http://www.truthout.org/docs_2005/071005X.shtml or should most of the blame go the lack of coverage by western mainstream [ Inbed -ded ] media ?!
The Time has come for the establishment of a truely independant mainstream news source !! Please show your support for the establishment of this > http://www.friends.ca/News/Friends_News/archives/articles07040502.asp
independant newsnetwork !! The time has come to leave the
flock !
> A letter > http://iraqwar.mirror-world.ru/article/56419
$$ http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=15&ItemID=8241

this past weekend but because of its predictability left me yawning. As well I'll have to admit , had me rooting for the aliens

I also took in a

concert which blew my socks off! Im normally a hardcore rocker / blues fan[ satriani , clapton, santana etc.] but Jesse gave me a new found appreciation of the pure sound of upbeat rythmic acoustic guitar playing. Between his 2nd to none pickin and his backup violin ,percussion etc left me and audience in awe! And a packed dance area to prove it.
Didnt think Id let you off without a dose of politics ...did you ?! > I had to laugh when watching

public address [with his trained seals in military garb who applaud on cue, as a backdrop ]
And thought to myself "your grand daddy Prescott http://archive.democrats.com/preview.cfm?term=Prescott%20Bush
taught you and dad well in the ways of

part is how the public eats it up !

which are still killing or maiming 1000 innocent children every month ! OR your use of illegal napalm & phosphorous bombs on the city of Fallujah http://mindprod.com/politics/iraqatrocities.html#ATROCITIES
in which well over 600 innocent civilians were Snuffed !
Or your indiscriminate use of illegal depleted uranium ammo http://sirdave.com/DU.html
with the equivalent radiation of 250,000 nagasaki bombs > http://www.dissidentvoice.org/Mar04/Nichols0327.htm
contaminating Iraq for over 4.5 Billion Years !
Or the FACT that the invasion [ which was based on LIES ] was Illegal under international LAW ! http://www.uslaboragainstwar.org/article.php?id=6593
OR your pilfering of funds [ link @ bottom $$ ] designated for the rebuilding of Iraq whos health and social infrastructure you purposely destroyed to demoralize the Iraqi population ! Heres an article titled A letter to the British people from a daughter of Iraq which best describes the Iraqi populations

hate & resentment ? [Oops, @ bottom of this entry >a letter<] Or if yould rather prefer Bush's

reason ! HUH ?

Bush you claim to be a reborn Christian but as I and much of the rest of the world sees it you are nothing more than satans [Wallstreets] errand

boy ! How else can anyone explain yur total disregard for human life ! I Relish the day I can

piss on yur grave !!!! But just as bothersome is the indifference by the .. general population !! http://www.truthout.org/docs_2005/071005X.shtml or should most of the blame go the lack of coverage by western mainstream [ Inbed -ded ] media ?!
The Time has come for the establishment of a truely independant mainstream news source !! Please show your support for the establishment of this > http://www.friends.ca/News/Friends_News/archives/articles07040502.asp
independant newsnetwork !! The time has come to leave the

flock !

> A letter > http://iraqwar.mirror-world.ru/article/56419
$$ http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=15&ItemID=8241
Rices quote " What we NEED is a common Enemy to Unite us" .
Its amazingly simple tomold an entire populations perception when theyve been
conditioned to never never QUESTION
Heres a thought provoking article titled The PERFECT Enemy . http://www.rense.com/general37/perfect.htm
[Edited on Jul 17, 2005 1:58AM]