Heres a for those oblivious to the World beyond their artificial fortresses . Some shocking stats. for those still perched on their Mightier than Thou pedestal! 'America by the numbers" > & ' A less Super super power & . Maybe its about time to tune into some REALITY
If I come across a little tooo strong ........ toooooo bad ! [Lost a loved one lately?] Heres a Revealing >QUOTE< by none other than the [Dumped] General Jay Garner : " look back on the philippines around the turn of the 20th century. They were a coaling station for the navy, and that allowed us to keep a great presence in the pacific. Thats what !raq is for the next few decades, our coaling station that gives us great presence in the middle east" The US militairy, under Theodore Roosevelt, invaded the philippines in 1898' when the people there rose up to throw off the yolk of spain. An estimated 600,000 Filipino's died so the US could have "a great presence". Heres an excellant inexpensive illustrated book Which has got an old photo of american soldiers standing [oh so proudly] on a massive pile of fallen filipino skeletal remains. [ Do I come across tooo strong ??] Gotta psych myself up for the 'Global day against War & Occupation ' on March 19 / 20! See you there...maybe?
If I come across a little tooo strong ........ toooooo bad ! [Lost a loved one lately?] Heres a Revealing >QUOTE< by none other than the [Dumped] General Jay Garner : " look back on the philippines around the turn of the 20th century. They were a coaling station for the navy, and that allowed us to keep a great presence in the pacific. Thats what !raq is for the next few decades, our coaling station that gives us great presence in the middle east" The US militairy, under Theodore Roosevelt, invaded the philippines in 1898' when the people there rose up to throw off the yolk of spain. An estimated 600,000 Filipino's died so the US could have "a great presence". Heres an excellant inexpensive illustrated book Which has got an old photo of american soldiers standing [oh so proudly] on a massive pile of fallen filipino skeletal remains. [ Do I come across tooo strong ??] Gotta psych myself up for the 'Global day against War & Occupation ' on March 19 / 20! See you there...maybe?
different girl in the pic today but same cock.
ask some of the suicide girls about it.