I spent yesterday with my family [sister, inlaws,nephews & nieces]
returning home disheartened.I was caught off guard by the extent of their racist viewpoints and yearned to like lash out! It could wait untill...grace was said at the dinner table & I responded with "Praise Alah!" It felt great! My plans were made up for next years Christmas , they would be spent on a distant tropical island with the 'dark' skinned natives! My newly adopted brothers & sisters! .............Psst. You didnt think Id end this journal without a political element , did you? Theres an older news story that has been >reposted< by colleagues & friends of a dedicated investigative news reporter by the name of Gary Webb
whos face was BLOWN OFF with a shot gun! Whos story was the financing of the contras through the dumping & trafficing of crack by the CIA on american streets to the tune of $25million on some days! All with the blessing of the media [LA Times ,New York Times , Washington Post etc ]who stonewalled his story & slagged his name. This is his story [video & phone conversation included] http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/december2004/141204webbmurdered.htm & http://www.counterpunch.org/cockburn12182004.html Its been declared a suicide irregardless that he took 2 hits to the face?!

Happy New Year